Success in the arts seems to have some sort of mythic silence attached to it. Some become visible within the art market, in Biennales, or academia while others will never reach broader audiences – at least not on the terms they defined as successful. Success seems to be related to power, money and fame. In a world where we glorify hustling and we wear constant busyness as some sort of badge of honor, I would love to open the conversation and try to define values for art as labor and to fill the term success with as much individual honesty and thought as we can. Success in the arts seems so vague that I am really wondering why people start to measure all their doings through this term without having defined how a sustainable approach looks like. We become obsessed with constant production, are afraid to take a break and are encouraged to be as competitive as possible. Is this ecosystem the only surrounding in which success in the arts is possible?
Find out in this inspiring interviews.
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